It Takes A Village 40 Day Lenten Devotional Day#8

         Attitude is Everything!
            I Peter 3:8 (ESV)
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.”
Several years ago a member of my church gave me a book by Keith Harrell entitled, “Attitude is Everything: 10 Life Changing Steps to Turning attitude into action.” In his book Keith Harrell noted the relationship between attitude and success.
Peter in I Peter 3:8 list five heart attitudes that Christians should practice towards one another in order to attract non-believers to faith in Jesus Christ. Practicing  these general heart attitudes is also key to healthy relationships between brothers and sisters in Christ. To successfully share the gospel, make disciples, witness to the world, impact culture and minister to the masses, the entire church must practice these five general heart attitudes.
What are the five general heart attitudes that must be practiced by every member of the church? Peter exhorted Christians in Asia Minor to think the same thing in regards to the nature of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ and the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers, etc. He also exhorted them to feel the same thing when it comes to the pain and hurts of one another. Thirdly, he exhorted them to love each other as family should do. Peter fourthly exhorted them to display a deep and genuine concern for one another. Finally, he exhorted them to practice humility to keep their relationships functioning  smoothly. Practicing these five general heart attitudes makes the church more attractive to sinners.
Friends, which of these five heart attitudes must you improve upon in order for your church family to be more attractive to unbelievers in your community?
God help me to improve my heart attitude towards my brothers and sisters in Christ, in order that we might be more attractive to the unbelieving community around us, Amen!

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