It Takes A Village 40 Day Devotional-Day #11


               One Out of Many!
            Romans 12:4-5 (ESV)
“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
E pluribus unum is Latin for Out of many, One. It means the melting  pot of many individuals into one singular unit. The individual parts are the sum total of their whole. In Romans 12:4-5 Paul underscored this truth when he employed the metaphor of the human body to illustrate the relationship that exists between members of the body of Christ. Just as the human body parts are interdependent on one another to function properly, so is the body of Christ mutually dependent on one another to do likewise.
God has gifted each member of the body of Christ with giftings of grace that are to be employed for the care, nurturing and building of the whole. When the many are functioning as one, the whole will work as God designed it to do so. Individual members of the body of Christ is designed to better the whole by supporting, caring and strengthening one another. The individual parts affect the whole.
Those who compromise the body of Christ are one out of many and the sooner each member grasps this truth the smoother the whole will function and the stronger the whole will become. Each member of the Christian community must purpose in their hearts and minds to prioritize the wellbeing of the whole above themselves. What are you willing to start doing, stop doing or sacrifice to ensure that the many function as one?
God, help me to utilize my gifts to care, nurture and edify the many to become one for your glory, Amen!

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