It Takes A Village 40 Day Lenten Devotional-Day#16

Move On!
 Hebrews 6:1 (ESV)
“Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God,”
David Livingstone once wrote in the Houston Times this profound and magnificent sentence, “I will go anywhere—provided it be forward.” Friends this ought to be the mantra of every Christian. No Christian ought grow complacent in any arena of their lives. This is definitely to be the case when it comes to Christian maturity! No Christian should be stunted in his or her spiritual growth. Christians ought to move from glory to glory.
The Hebrew writer is exhorting his readers to move on from the elementary or basic teachings of Jesus Christ like salvation. Rather he exhorted them to mature into  a deeper understanding of Christ! They had allowed persecution to stunt their growth in Christ and they needed someone outside of them to push them to move on to greater maturity! Whatever or whoever is the source of your stagnation, God is calling you to move on! Move on from that toxic relationship! Move on from anger and bitterness! Move on from sin and habits that hinder you from moving forward in the Lord and in life! Moving on is a decision and a disciplined mindset that can only be accomplished with the help of the Holy Spirit. It’s time for you to move on, so purpose in your heart to do so today!
God, give me the strength and the courage to move into greater maturity in Christ in particular and in life in general, Amen!

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