It Takes A Village 40 Day Devotional -Day #4

        Help Them Carry It!
          Galatians 6:2 (ESV)
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Those who lift weights in a gym know that they shouldn’t do so without a spotter being present  in the event that the weights become to heavy for them to lift alone. Life is filled with heavy weights that are at times to much for one person to lift or carry on their own, so they need a spotter who will come along side of them and help them to carry it!
While God is the ultimate spotter of his children’s burdens in this life, He has chosen to employ his children to serve as spotters to one another given their mutual fellowship in Jesus Christ. God connected his children together in community to strengthen and encourage one another. One of the ways that they do so is by taking on the role of a spotter and helping their fellow brothers and sisters carry their burdens.
One of the beautiful things about Christian Community is the fact that Christians are never alone when it comes to shouldering the burdens of life. Paul underscored this truth in Galatians 6:2 as he exhorted Christian in Galatia to bear one another burdens. Paul’s exhortation implies that bearing one another burdens is a benefit of Christian Community and its a mutual obligation.
Now what does it mean to bear one another burdens. Well, the word bear means to haul, carry or tote. To haul, carry or tote carries not only the idea of something being picked  up and put back down, but it also carries the idea of a heavy load being hauled or carried in one’s arms or on ones back for a great distance. The word burden carries the idea of a heavy weight or anything that is an oppressive ordeal in life.
To bear one another burdens is connected to believers who have been restored from sin by mature believers. Although, they’ve been delivered from their sin problem, the temptation to return remains. Therefore, the restored believer  needs another believer who will come along side of them to spot them and to help them carry their burden
This will require believers to be available to them; counsel them; pray with them and spend time with them beyond the initial situation. God often uses fellow believers as His agents to help carry the burdens of other fellow believers. Let God use you to help them carry the “it” in their life!
God, use me to come along side of those who are struggling with the heavy weight of life and help them carry it, Amen!

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