Church School

Enjoy a time of instruction from God’s Word before our main worship service. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. and you can enjoy them as they are available for most ages – we have a class for you! (You can also join Zoom for adult/young adult classes (meeting ID: 843 7470 9429 and Passcode is: theword)
We are revamping our Sunday School program and right now it is designed for children, youth, young adults and adult groups. Our children and youth have loving, caring, creative teachers who help them feel welcome and oriented. Each age group is taught a Bible lesson at their level of learning. Our adult/Young Adult classes also have great teachers, wonderful discussions, and prayer. They also have comprehensive reviews Of Sacred Scripture with Lecture, Worship, and Q&A.

Morning Worship

Our doors are open to all who seek a meaningful and relevant spiritual experience in a church setting. The preaching ministry of the St. Matthew’s Sunday morning worship offers insightful, inspirational study of God’s Word and guidance for Christian discipleship. We invite you to worship with us at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday.

New Member’s Class

As a new member of St. Matthew, you are expected to attend a 6-session class (Lessons on Assurance), which will help to assure you or “put you beyond all doubt” regarding some basic promises God has made to Christians. The class is designed to help you grow in Christ also, for those who want to know learn more about the church and the Pastor. The class taught by Pastor Lane on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. answers the following questions:

Assurance of Salvation
Assurance of Answered Prayer
Assurance of Victory
Assurance of Forgiveness
Assurance of Guidance

Discipleship Training

The Discipleship ministry focuses on helping Christians develop in spiritual maturity for the purpose of service to Christ, in the church and in the world. St. Matthew’s Discipleship Training will help you take the next step in your Christian journey. No matter your walk in life, this training will help direct your path. If you are looking
to extend your biblical studies, family life, or ministry, discipleship training will meet your needs.

Missions Ministry

Answering the call to missions may take you across the sea or across the street. It could take you to faraway nations or to your own neighborhood. We encounter people every day who need to hear the good news of the Gospel.

St. Matthew’s Missions Ministry involves the St. Matthew family sharing the Gospel within our own city—sharing with people who, for whatever reason, will probably never come to our church facility. Our Missions Ministry provides a variety of activities in our community (through many means) which includes but is not limited to Vacation Bible Schools, prison ministries, and Bible studies for the sick and home bound as well as those in retirement homes to involve St. Matthew members in impacting our city. These activities become the foundation for building relationships and sharing Christ’s love with our Corpus Christi neighbors. For more information, call (361) 884-4121.

About St. Matthew’s Children’s Ministry

St. Matthew is committed to partnering with you as a parent, helping your children discover the bright future that is ours through Jesus Christ. We understand the unlimited potential in each and every child, and we seek to provide the kind of love, acceptance, example, and teaching that will help your child be all that God wants him or her to be.

Youth and Children’s Church

On the 4th Sunday while the adults are attending the morning worship service, the children have Brunch with Jesus and we have qualified staff prepared to minister to your children at their age level. Classes are provided for all ages and children are invited to join in on classes geared to their level of learning.

Children are precious at St Matthew. Taking to heart Jesus’ own love for children, St. Matthew seeks to provide a comprehensive, caring ministry to children and their parents.
Through a broad range of programming, children experience acceptance, engage in learning, enjoy themselves, and express their faith. The benefits of Children’s Church will be seen as these children grow and become a part of the adult service. We welcome you to join us as we learn to worship!

Our nursery staff is well-qualified and your babies will be well cared for as you attend services.


The objective of the Brotherhood ministry of St. Matthew Baptist Church is to lead men to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This Ministry is designed to help men to become godly leaders in the home, church, workplace, and neighborhood. Men are encouraged in their Christian walk through a variety of activities. Men of all ages learn to serve the church, the community, and one another.

The Brotherhood Ministry strives to meet the needs of men by:

Providing an opportunity to develop meaningful relationships – with each other and with God.
Providing a means of bringing inactive and irregular church members back into fellowship.
Providing a means of attracting the unsaved and the un-churched.
Providing an opportunity for Bible Study and Discipleship Training.
Providing an opportunity for sharing testimony.
Providing partnership opportunities with men’s groups from other congregations.
A men’s ministry can provide the spiritual direction men need to join God’s work in every area
of their lives. A men’s ministry that draws men to Christ and mobilizes them for ministry must be based on a thorough knowledge of their specific needs and characteristics.

Prayer Meeting

St. Matthew’s Prayer Ministry asks godly, committed men and women to set aside 30 minutes each week in concentrated prayer for the needs of our nation, church, Pastor, missionaries, and the lost. This ministry will result in a deeper personal walk with the Lord Jesus Christ as you draw closer to Him in times of praise, confession, intercession, and adoration. If you would like to be a part of St. Matthew’s Prayer Ministry and commit to spending 30 minutes
each week in prayer, please join us every Wednesday from 6:30-7:00 p.m.

Lifting up the special needs of our families is also an important
part of St. Matthew’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry.

Bible Study

Bible Study focuses on taking the timeless truth of God’s Word and
bringing it to life—your life at whatever stage of life you’re in or your age, there’s a message for you and every member of your family.

Led by a gifted Bible teacher, each Bible Study is designed to
help you grow as a believer, to have victory in your daily walk with the Lord, and to serve Him with your own unique gifts and talents. You’ll also study with friends, people with common needs, people who will encourage you, rejoice with you, and pray with you.

Choose from Bible Study at 12:00-1:00 p.m., or 7:00-8:00 p.m. each
Wednesday—whichever time suits you best.

Music Ministry

Learning to worship God through praise and adoration is one key to a victorious Christian life. Leading others to do the same is also a great blessing. Involvement in the Music Ministry gives
you the opportunity to do both! St. Matthew offers a variety of opportunities for you to praise the Lord through instrumental or vocal music. Regardless of your age or musical background, the Music Ministry has something to offer you. Rehearsal is 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

Usher’s Ministry

Ushers serve as greeters for Sunday morning services; distribute bulletins; collect offering; separating, organizing, and distributing all offerings and miscellaneous bulletin inserts to their proper locations; assist worshippers in locating seats, family, friends, and classrooms as needed; provide maximum comfort for the best worship experience; provide help for those with special needs; promote a warm, friendly, and safe worship environment; provide assistance when unexpected situations arise (ex. locate family or medical help); distribute and collect special items (such as ballots) as requested by the pastor and others.

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