It Takes A Village 40 Day Lenten Devotional-Day#39


         I Corinthians 1:10 (ESV)
“I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.”
There’s a lot of disagreement and discord in the world today. Social  issues, political views, personal opinions and religious beliefs are among the leading causes for the divisiveness that we see in every sphere of life. Ukraine and Russia serve as a shining example of this truth. This war has sparked much debate across social media over what should be or should not be Americas response. For example, blame is being passed across the political aisles causing people to weigh in resulting in more discord and divisiveness. While America will probably never fully agree on any social or political matter, God expects his church to be agreed on doctrinal matters!
The church at Corinth was known for it’s disagreements resulting in discord and division. They were divided over leadership, sexual immorality, dietary laws, spiritual gifts and the resurrection. With this in mind, Paul exhorted them to be agreed and united in the same mind and same judgment, especially on matters of doctrine.
The one place that you would think that we would find unity and agreement would be the church. Some of the worst offenders of unity can be found among God’s children. Sometimes, as believers we can allow the simplest and non-eternal things divide us like the purchasing of a new vacuum cleaner or changing the color of the new sanctuary carpet. Satan uses disagreement and division in the church to keep the church from living out her gospel identity in the world, changing culture and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
While we might not always agree on non-essentials matters of the faith, we should always agree on matters of doctrine—who God is?, purpose of church in the world, role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believers, what is required for one to be saved and spend eternity with God?,etc. In short, as Christians, we ought to agree not to disagree so as to not dishonor God or lose influence and credibility with a sinful world. The next time you’re sharing your personal opinions on hot topics and sharp disagreement ensues, remember agreement and unity is the order of the king of Kings!
God help me to not allow the views and opinions of others cause me to be divisive, rather help me to be a champion for agreement and unity in your church, Amen!

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