1874                                                                                                     2020



“The history of Saint Matthew Missionary Baptist Church has been passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation, for over a hundred years. The church was conceived in the hearts and souls of men who prayed around campfires under the stars. Over the years, written records have been lost and destroyed. The following history depends as much on the recollections of its members as upon surviving documents.

            From 1863 to the close of the Civil War…All denominations met together except for the Methodists, the Episcopalians and the Catholics. The Methodist had been established since 1854 and held meetings in a little adobe church. An article in the Caller-Times in 1937 states that “the Freedman’s Congregational Church was organized in 1866 in the Nueces County Courthouse by the Reverend Aaron Rowe, a white chaplain of the 122nd U.S. Infantry, who was assisted by Esquire Leanard, a devoted Christian Negro Man. The membership consisted of a number of white people and Mexicans as well as Negroes – also in the congregation were Missionary Baptists”. And we read in “On This Bluff” (Centennial History of First Presbyterian Church, Corpus Christi, 1967) “The Negro Congregational shared a building with the Missionary Baptists in 1866”.

            As this was only three years after the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation, the name Freedom was comparatively new to the Negro in Corpus Christi, and he was proud of it. In 1866, The Reverend Joseph Whitlock came from Jamaica, West Indies, and carved his name on the Rock of Ages by leading in crystallizing the sentiment of the Baptist as a separate congregation. He was the first known leader of the denomination before the building of a church house.

            “The Congregational group sold out their interest in the small house, then located on Broadway where the Caller-Times Building now stands, making the Baptists sole owners in 1874. According to records at the Courthouse, when the separation of the two denominations took place, the name was changed from Freedman Baptist Church to Saint Matthew Missionary Baptist Church”. In the year 1879, the name was legally changed from Freedman Baptist Church to Saint Matthew Missionary Baptist Church.

            “In the year 1910, the Trustees of Saint Matthew looked for a place to locate and found a location near the Solomon M. Coles High School”. On April 1, 1910 for the sum of Twenty-eight hundred dollars ($2800), the deed to the property was handed over to the following Trustees: Chandler Johnson, E. D. Crockett, R. E. Brown, David F. Ford and Thomas H. Wilson.


            Ministers who have served Saint Matthew as Pastors, numbering twenty-five have with exception of three, all reaped the harvests of their endeavors and gone to “a house not build with hands”. The remaining 3 are the Reverend Claude William Black, Jr., Pastor Emeritus of Greater First Baptist Church, San, Antonio, Texas, Reverend Dale Laster and present Pastor Arthur L. Lane.

            Former church edifices were purchased and moved to the corner of Waco and Chipito Streets, remodeled, enlarged and finally in the year 1953 under the pastorate of the late Dr. Clarence Henre Warren, the old building was sold and construction on the present building was begun.

            On June 27, 1954 at 2:15 P.M., we held our first worship service in this present edifice. We had a grand march from the Solomon M. Coles gymnasium, where we had been holding worship services since the work on construction of the new edifice began the previous year.

            After the ribbon cutting ceremony, we marched through the doorways singing praises to God in the highest, “WE ARE MARCHING TO ZION!”

            After prayer of thanksgiving, the entrance day program progressed. The Reverend Carl Q. Hickerson, Sr., Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church of Marshall, Texas delivered the sermon. A galvanized tub which had been placed before the rostrum was filled overflowing with offerings of the congregation. The music of the day was under the direction of Mrs. Marie Sapenter of Brownwood, Texas, who directed the United Choirs, and Mrs. Bessie Johnson directed the Youth Choir, with Mrs. Jeffrey Lott of Austin, Texas at the organ.

            In July 1954, Saint Matthew entertained the State Congress and Baptist Churches were represented from all over the State.

            Among the notable speakers coming to us during Dr. Warren’s tenure were:

Dr. C. D. Pettaway, President of the National Baptist Convention of America, Dr. A. A. Lucas, President of the General Baptist Convention of Texas, Missionary Tousssaint of Jamaica; Mrs. Mildred B. Powell, Bible Teacher from Sherman, Texas, Dr. Bernilee Faison and the Honorable Barbara Jordan.

            After a few years, the strain of the heavy responsibilities of the church and advancing age caused the Pastor’s health to fail and on Wednesday morning, February 21, 1962, he relinquished his hold on life.

            Realizing a need for leadership, the church immediately elected the Reverend Roger L. Bell, a membership minister of Saint Matthew, as interim pastor.

            The church thrived under his leadership and in April 1962 after a most successful drive headed by Trustee Homer E. Johnson, we were able to pay the sum of $2,253.00 to the United Savings Company bringing the Church note up to date. Payments were made to other creditors thus relieving the financial strain imposed upon the membership.

            On Tuesday night, June 12, 1962, in a special-called business meeting, the church elected the Reverend Elliott Grant as Pastor by a majority of votes. The church was called together on Monday night, June 25, 1962 and Reverend Grant presented his recommendations, which were unanimously accepted by the assembled congregation.

            He preached his first sermon as Pastor, Sunday, August 1, 1962. During his first two years as pastor, a number of outstanding guests spoke to the church; the Reverend Robert Rowe of Austin, Texas, Reverends Robert H. Wilson, Dallas, Texas, William Bowie, Houston, Texas, and Marvin Griffin, Waco, Texas. Since then, many more speakers were invited.

            The old Saint John Baptist Church site was purchased and converted into a parking lot, hurricane fence placed around it, station wagon purchased, and a new van purchased. The edifice was air-conditioned, repainted, kitchen was equipped, including large range and steam table, a new electric organ and both pianos in the Sanctuary were also purchased. These are just a few things that were accomplished under the successful pastorate of Reverend Elliott Grant.

            In 1968, under his leadership, Saint Matthew sponsored a low-cost housing unit, North Side Manor, which housed 120 families. Cost of construction was over one million dollars at no cost to the church proper.

            On June 23, 1974, we observed our One Hundredth Anniversary, our Theme was “WALKING-GROWING BY FAITH”, the guest speaker was the late Dr. T. B. Boyd, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of Sunday School and B.T.U. Congress Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention. The membership dressed in costumes depicting the styles of that era. On June 29, 1975, the One Hundred-First Anniversary was observed with the placing of a Time Capsule in the Sanctuary to be opened in the year 2000. Each member wrote an article to be read upon the opening. Our theme for that day was “APPRECIATE THE PAST, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PRESENT, PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE”.

            On November 9, 1984, a contract was signed with Olszewksi Stained Glass Studio to install windows in the entire church. All windows were completely installed on July 31, 1985. The windows have added to the beautification of our church. Also, the hallways, Pastor’s office and the Secretary’s office were carpeted. New carpet and drapes were purchased for the upstairs lounge and the furniture was completely upholstered. New cabinets were built in the secretary’s office and an IBM copier was purchased. New lamps were also purchased for the lounge and the Pastor’s office. The parking lot was completely resurfaced and re-striped and a new fence erected.

            In December 1984, $2100.00 in contributions were collected by the Pastor from the church membership and sent to Ethiopia.

            Our theme for the One Hundred Tenth Anniversary was “JESUS, THE CHURCH’S TRUE FOUNDATION” taken from St. Matthew 16:18. Our theme song was “One Church, One Faith, One Lord”.

            The church also purchased the property behind the building to be used for future expansion.

            Rev. Elliott Grant announced his retirement as pastor of St. Matthew at the June 29, 1998 business meeting. The church was saddened by this, but wished Rev. & Sis. Grant God’s speed as they prepared to move their residence to San Antonio, Texas.

            We had a spiritual 26th Appreciation and Retirement week-long services for Rev. & Sis. Grant, climaxing on Sunday, October 9, 1988 with a special service on October 16, 1988 with the late Rev. J. J. Rector of Antioch Baptist Church, San Antonio as the guest speaker.

            Rev. Grant preached his final sermon on the 4th Sunday in January 1989.

            A pulpit committee was organized to begin the search for a new pastor, chaired by Deacon W. G. Brooks. The church was without a pastor from February 1988 until June 1989. The church received several resumes from interested ministers, and many of them visited and preached here at St. Matthew. After much prayer and a thorough search, the church Pulpit Committee agreed on two candidates – Rev. Dale Laster of Longview, Texas and the Rev. Lloyd Crosby of Houston, Texas to be submitted to the church body for a vote. At the June 14, 1989 business meeting, printed voting ballots were given to members in attendance for voting purposes. After the votes were counted, the church body decided by unanimous vote that the Rev. Dale Laster would be extended the “call” as the new pastor of St. Matthew.

            Rev. Laster accepted the call on June 14, 1989. After presenting his recommendations and goals for the church, Rev. Laster accepted the pastorate and gave his resignation to his church in Longview. He preached his first sermon as pastor on Sunday, August 6, 1989 entitled, “IF YOU’VE TRIED THE REST, TRY THE BEST” taken from Mark 5:25-26.

            The church moved forward under his leadership. Many programs were implemented and set in place. Many souls were added to the church family and many members rededicated their lives to Christ.

New choir seats were installed in the choir stand in August 1990. The property directly behind the church was purchased, houses removed, resurfaced and stripped to add more parking lot space. The property across the street was also purchased for future expansions.

            In January 1993, a $30,000 loan was obtained for renovation purchases at the church which included: new draperies purchased for the Elliott Grant Fellowship Hall; new tile installed in the kitchen and fellowship hall; new doors installed in the front entrance and carpet in the hallways, and upstairs, the pastor’s office and secretary’s office; new awnings were installed to cover all doors.

            A special “Seeds of Faith” campaign was launched by the church to raise monies to liquidate the $30,000 loan. Each member pledged to give money toward the campaign which climaxed on Annual Women’s Day on the 1st Sunday in May 1993. The drive was supported fully by the church congregation. Other major improvements were done to the church under the leadership of Pastor Laster: complete rewiring of the entire church; new lights and ceiling beams were installed to enhance the brightness of the church; new compressor added to upgrade the air-conditioning units of the church; the sanctuary was painted entirely; a new copier and folding machine were purchased for the church office;; a new computer and laser printer was purchased also. A new microphone system which included extended overhead microphones, floor and clip-on microphones were donated and dedicated in memory of Sis. Mildred Johnson by her husband and installed in the sanctuary.

            The church entertained several State meetings: State Home Mission Board; the S.A. Pleasant Institute; and in August 1993, the State Congress of Christian Workers of the Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas.

            St. Matthew was also involved in an Outreach Tutorial Program with Solomon M. Coles Special Emphasis School. The goal of the tutorial program was to have a direct impact on the lives of children from our community; to cultivate a desire for learning and to help them to be able to pass the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) test to prevent the closing of the school.

            These goals were accomplished and on June 11, 1994, we were told that the students passed the TAAS. St. Matthew pledged to have an impact and to make a difference in the African American community.

            In May 1994, new carpet was purchased and installed in the church sanctuary. A new baptismal curtain was ordered and was installed. Several items were donated by members of the congregation which included: new tables and chairs for the Grant Fellowship Hall; a new big-screen television; a VCR; a new electric keyboard piano; a cassette tape player; beautiful drapes in the upstairs lounge and an upright freezer.

            During 1994, a former trustee, Prince Macon, donated the entire landscape of the church grounds, including shrubbery and installation of a sprinkler system.

            The church continued to move forward under the leadership of Pastor Laster.

            With the continued leadership of Rev. Laster, many improvements were made to the church edifice and parking lot. Plans were formulated to construct additional buildings on the church property, including a new women’s lounge and men’s restroom, construction of a new kitchen area and other improvements needed.

            To add spiritual strength to the leadership of the church, two ministers were licensed into the ministry and five additional Associate Ministers, to assist the pastor in the ministerial operations of the church. Five Deacons were ordained under his leadership and an additional six Trustees were appointed.

            The successful completion of the construction of the Women’s Lounge and the renovations to the Men’s restroom were completed in 1998 to add to the beautification of the church building. Several musicians were added to the Music Ministry.

            After 11 years as pastor of St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Laster announced his resignation to the church body on Sunday, June 22, 2002.

            A Pastor’s Search Committee was organized, chaired by Deacon Sid Garner and Deacon Walter Bryant. The committee, consisting of representatives of all auxiliaries and organizations of the church, began the task of reviewing resumes, conducting background checks and visitations to the pastoral candidate’s hometowns. Three pastoral candidates were invited to visit and meet the church family for a formal interview/reception, ending with them preaching at the morning worship service on Sunday.

            After a vote by secret ballot was conducted on Sunday, March 9, 2003, the Rev. Arthur Lee Lane was elected as the new pastor of the St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church by majority vote.

            He accepted the letter to call on March 16, 2003 and preached his first sermon as Pastor on Annual Women’s Day, May 4, 2003, during the 10:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. services.

            Pastor Lane immediately took hold of the leadership reins as Pastor of St. Matthew and with God’s help implemented new programs/ministries, and updated existing programs.

            He implemented the Minister’s Bible Study on Tuesday evenings, 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. Bible Study on Wednesday nights, Sunday School Teacher Training on Thursday evenings, New Member’s Class and Youth Bible Study on Wednesday.

            The theme he chose for the church was “A CHURCH DEVELOPING DISCIPLES FOR A COMING CHRIST”. The membership has continued to grow numerically, spiritually and financially.

            Under his leadership, two “sons” announced their call to the ministry. After two years, 102 members were added to the church roll. Pastor Lane serves on a number of civic and religious committees/boards. He presently serves as vice-moderator of the Mt. Zion Missionary District Board.

            He was very influential in spearheading the project of raising fund for the Foreign Mission Board, of which the church is an active member.

We hosted the Ministers United for Ministerial Development (MUMD), Executive Board Session in October 2006; Pastor Lane was Conference Coordinator for The Evangelical Board of the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc., 30th Annual Winter Conference on Evangelism held in Houston, Texas in December 2006. The church has held several in-house revivals with dynamic speakers and numerous training workshops, for the Ushers, Sunday School workers and Music department to name a few under Pastor Lane’s leadership.

            The morning worship service was revamped to include praise and worship to involve all members in uplifting the name of Jesus. Pastor Lane designed a new church bulletin also. The parsonage was remodeled and renamed the Mary E. Fucuals Christian Learning Center.

            A new Multi-Media Ministry has been implemented with the purchase of state-of-the-art technology equipment – including the installation of a full-size screen in the sanctuary; a new van was also purchased; and additional air-condition units have been purchased and replaced.

            The Children and Youth choir was named in honor of Bessie M. Johnson. The Sunday School has continued to grow in membership. A Sign Ministry was also begun in the church involving members of all ages, under the direction of Sis. Ramona Jefferson. The New Alpha Drill Team continues to uplift the name of Jesus – Sis. Juleria Edwards, serves as Director, all under the leadership of our youth minister, Rev. Clarence McGill.

            On Sunday, July 1, 2007, we will observe our 133rd Church Anniversary. Our theme is “A CHURCH WITH A KINGDOM FIRST AGENDA”, taken from Matthew 6:33. The guest speaker will be the Rev. George Robinson, Jr. and his congregation from the First Baptist Church Old Jonesboro, Birmingham, Alabama.

            The Music Ministry continues to sing praises to our heavenly Father – the Sanctuary, Mass, Matthian Voices, The Bess M. Johnson Children and Youth Choir and the Brotherhood Chorus all under the direction of Sis. Dawn Marshall, Minister of Music and her capable staff.

            These are just a few of the great works that God is doing through Pastor Arthur Lane at St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church. These recorded accomplishments serve as living proof of the anointing that God has placed on his life in ministry.

            To God be the glory for the great things He has done, is doing and shall do in the life of the St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church Family.

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